

Human Ingenuity-Tecnnology and human interaction

Human Ingenuity 

Listening Comprehension

You will hear a presentation given by Sundar Pichai at Google I/O Keynote (Google Developers, Youtube, May 8, 2018)

1. Based on the presentation, choose the five TRUE statements from the choices below. (2:01- 4:34)

A) The presenter can recall growing up with dependence on a phone.
B) The role that advances in technology play in our lives is insignificant.
C) Progress in AI has provided new liveliness to Google’s approach to their mission.
D) There is a negligible demand for digital skills observed in the world.
E) AI is allowing Google to find novel solutions to specific problems around the globe.
F) AI is predicted to affect a wide variety of industries.
G) Google predicts that it will bring digital skills to over 60 million people in five years.
H) Communities around the world share similar expectations for technology.
I) The presenter claims that Google (and people in general) should not be naive about the various impacts that new
technologies can have on us.
J) Google’s core mission’s relevancy has dwindled over time.

Answer the following questions according to the information provided in the presentation 4:35 - 6:41):
2. Which is the most important field that AI will transform?
3. What specific AI technology helps with diagnosing diabetic retinopathy?
4. What did the AI systems provide more than the human doctors?
5. What can AI help doctors predict?
6. What factor contributes to better and more consistent outcomes for doctors treating patients

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