



PAPER 1 ( 25%)
TIME 1:30

  • BASED ON the five themes
  • A choice from three tasks with a variety of audiences, contexts and purposes.
  • A response of 450-600 words to one of the tasks, choosing a text type:
·         Article
·         Blog/diary entry
·         Brochure, leaflet, flyer, pamphlet, advertisement
·         Interview
·         Debate, speech, talk, presentation
·         News report
·         Official report
·         Proposal
·         Review
·         Set of instructions, guidelines
·         Written correspondence (letters and emails)

      Assessment Components 
Texts (personal, professional, mass media) 

 Personal texts are shared by the person creating the message and an audience who may be family members, friends or groups with a common interest; a personal text may also be directed to oneself. Personal texts tend to be characterized by attention to the everyday interests or the affective needs of individuals rather than the analysis of information. Personal texts have a variety of functions including, but not limited to,describing, narrating, entertaining, recommending and persuading. The level of formality in the register of these texts will vary according to the linguistic and sociocultural norms of the target language. 

 Professional texts are created for an intended audience in contexts where no personal relationship is assumed between the producer of the text and the recipient(s); however, the producer of the text can assume that the recipient(s) will have an interest in receiving and understanding the message. Professional texts tend to be characterized by attention to the cognitive needs of individuals, the transfer of knowledge and the logical presentation of information; these texts employ clear, factual language and a formal register. Professional texts have a variety of functions including, but not limited to, informing, instructing, explaining, analysing, convincing, interpreting and evaluating. 

Mass media texts are created for distribution to a large audience that is targeted because of an interest that,at least initially, lies primarily with the producer of the text, since the person or entity responsible for a mass media text has no way of knowing exactly who will take the time and interest to understand the message or who will ignore it. Mass media texts tend to be characterized by the need of the producer of the text to project authority, desirability or exclusivity, and the conscious choice of a particular medium or technology that is appropriate to reach the targeted audience. The level of formality in the register of these texts will vary according to the linguistic and sociocultural norms of the target language. 


1.      Generating and organizing ideas
Make sure you understand the topic about which you are writing. Choose the prompt for which you are able to formulate the best answer.
  • Do I know enough about the subject matter?
  • Do I have the necessary vocabulary?
  • Do I understand the purpose of the text?
  • Can I handle the features of the text type?
  • Can I use the appropriate register?

2.      Skills for thinking: writers, audiences and communicative purpose

First of all consider the three elements of the process:
Ø  Your role as the writer of the text
You will often find yourself writing tasks that require you to pretend to be a specific character. For example you could be a journalist, a technical writer, an angry member of the public.

Ø  The audience you are writing to.
Just as you must assume an identity, you must write your text to an imaginary audience., and you need to use the appropriate register to make your written English appropriate for your audience.

Ø  The reasons for writing-the purpose of the text:
          Advise on / Apologise for/  Comment on /Complain about / Describe  /Enquire about / Explain /Instruct /Narrate /Persuade /  Request /  Suggest

          3.  Skills for writing: texts types, features and language
  • What text type are you writing?
  • What are the structural features of that text type?

         4. Skills for communicating: the writing process
            Before you start writing, make sure you know where you and your text are going. Here are  
            three different structures for writing:
-       Narrative-driven texts : tell a story, explain the background and the significance of the events.
-       Problem-driven texts: set out a problem, explain the details and offer a solution
-       Thesis-driven texts: start with an answer to a problem, justify the answer with evidence and make a final point.

PAPER 2 HL ( 50%)

  • BASED ON the five themes
  • Listening :Three audio passages
  • Reading : three written passages


Internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB.

   A conversation with the teacher, based on an extract from one of the literary works studied in class, followed by discussion on one or more of the themes from the syllabus. ( 30 marks)

Resultado de imagen de photographs  with captions for individual oral activity ib english b
•Duration: 12- 15 Minutes (plus 20 minutes preparation)  

•Weighting: 25%

This component is based on an extract of up to approximately 300 words taken from one of the literary works studied in class.

*   Divided into three parts


• Supervised preparation time - You will be shown two extracts of up to approximately 300 words each. You choose one of the extracts and prepares a presentation focused on the content of the extract. (20´ )

  1. Presentation ( 3-4 minutes)

  •  The student presents the extract, discussing the events, ideas and messages :
         - summarise the extract
         - briefly relate the extract to the literary work as a whole
         - express your opinion on the characters, events, ideas and themes presented in the extract.

       2. Follow -up discussion ( 4-5 minutes)

  • The teacher engages with the student on the content of the extract that the student has presented, expanding on observations that the student has provided in the presentation.

       3. General discussion  (5-6 minutes)

  • The teacher and the student have a general discussion using one or more of the five themes of the syllabus.

Useful questions to interact with the students.

o   What is beauty?
o   Is beauty important?
o   What makes a person beautiful?
o   Who decides who or what is beautiful?
o   Do you think the concept of beauty is the same today as it was 100 years ago?
o   Do you think you have the same concept of beauty as your friends?
o   Are only young people beautiful?
o   Do you think we are conditioned by advertising to think what is beautiful or not?
o   Do you agree with the English proverb “ Beauty is only  skin deep”?
o   Do beautiful people have better lives? Are beautiful people more successful?
o   Is there more pressure on women to be beautiful than there is on men?
o   How can beauty be related to health?
o   Do you worry about your health?

o   Have you ever been on a diet?
o   Are there any dangers of dieting?
o   What´s your advice for anyone who wants to diet?
o   Do you know anyone who is obsessed with their weight?
o   Why are people so worried about the way their body looks?
o   How often do you weigh yourself?
o   Do you think the fashion industry and advertising is responsible for encouraging women to be super skinny?
o   What are, in your opinion, the causes of eating disorders?
o   What do you know about anorexia?
o   Which do you consider worse: obesity or anorexia?
o   Is obesity a disease or a choice?
o   Do eating disorders affect men and women in the same way?

o   Is there a difference between cosmetic and plastic surgery?
o   What do you think of the idea of having cosmetic surgery to improve your looks?
o   Is cosmetic surgery more popular with men or women?
o   What do you think are the dangers of cosmetic surgery?
o   Do you think there should be an age limit for people to have cosmetic surgery?
o   What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery?
o   Does cosmetic surgery always makes people look better?
o   What is your opinion of having botox to remove your wrinkles?
o   Would you change any parts of your body? Why?/ Why not?

o   Have you ever tried alternative medicines?
o   What are the types of alternative medicine that are available? Is it only herbs?
o   It is said that alternative medicine has no side effects. Do you agree?
o   People often maintain that alternative medicines are “natural”. What does “natural” actually mean in this context?

o   Do most people work out a religion for themselves or simply follow their ancestors´ religions?
o   Do you think that religion has a positive or negative effect on the world?
o   Do you think religion is the cause of most conflict in the world?
o   Do you think that cults are dangerous?
o   Do you think that religious people are happier?
o   Do you believe in an afterlife?
o   What sacrifices may people do due to their beliefs?
o   Do you think any of these acts are justified?
o   There is a debate in some European countries about the use of certain forms of traditional dress: burka. Hijab…what do you think about legal attempts to control them?

o   Do you like to exercise?
o   How often do you exercise?
o   Why do so many people like sport?
o   Do you prefer playing or watching sport?
o   What differences are there between team sports and individual sports?
o   Would you like to play a sport for a living?
o   What are the world´s most dangerous sports?
o   What are extreme sports?
o   Why do people participate in extreme sports?
o   Why are they popular?
o   Why are new types of sports being created all the time?
o   An extreme sport is a sport which is dangerous to the person practicing it. What´s your opinion of these?
o   Why are extreme sports more popular than they were 50 years ago?
o   Are there any sports that you think should be included as an Olympic sport?

o   What can one do as a hobby?
o   Why do people have hobbies?
o   Are hobbies safe or dangerous?
o   Do you think a hobby is different from a sport?
o   What is your hobby?
o   How many hours a week do you spend on it?
o   Does your hobby influence your choice of friends?
o   Are there any hobbies you would like to try?
o   Can you make money from doing a hobby?


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